Aleong Family

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It has been a challenging six months!

It has been ages since my last post. And my of my has little Adrianna grown. She now has four frontal bottom teeth and four frontal top teeth. She loves to hug and kiss her adoring sister and protective brother. Adrianna's first word is "DaDa" or Daddy. Shw is now able to say "Mama", "hot", "Baba", "Bella", "ONG", "up", "nononono" and "fish".

Like her older brother she has a favorite reading book and if anyone touched it, she would get very angry. It is a book about numbers, colours, opposites, etc.

Adrianna loves to pout and then smile whenever we say "No" to her. She loves to eat gummy vitamins, chips, blueberries, cranberries and bananas.