Adrianna can make sentences of up to four words:
Mommy: Where is my phone?
Adrianna: Dada got it now.
Gabriel puts his hand on mommy's body
Adrianna: Gabriel hand go!!!
Anna passes gase
Adrianna: Anna fart, EWWW!
Adrianna loves to sing:
Happy to you
Happy to you
Happy to Anna
Happy to you
(Anna sings in the UPPERCASE parts)
Do you wanna build a SNOWMAN
C'mon lets go and PLAY
I never see you anyMORE
come out the DOOR
it's like you've gone aWAY
we used to be best buddies
and now we're not
I wish you would tell me WHY
Do you wanna build a SNOWMAN
it doesn't have to be a SNOWMAN
(go away Anna)
Okay BYE
ABCDefGhijklmnoPqrStuVWXyZ, now I know my ABC next time won't you sing with ME